A wanderful game or a playful wandering for one to many players.
Wanna play? Go out in the street. Choose left or right as the allowed direction of turns, and keep walking as taking turns only in the decided direction - whenever you feel like.
If you picked 'left' as your direction of turn, so to say, at every possible junction you can either keep going straight or turn to left, but not right! No U-turns either - but a single
U-turn may be allowed for emergency situations.
Obviously, the game is open to endless variations. In one variant, a number of maneouver cards such as turn right, turn left left, go straight, etc. can be prepared and random selections of
cards can be followed.
The idea is to take as many new roads as possible and reaching interesting destinations, without breaking the rules.
You will definetely feel it when you are 'there'. Otherwise, just keep going.