
  • All you need is a group of friends, some dice and a humble clothes peg.
  • To play, everyone sits in a circle around a table with a couple of dice and one strongly sprung plastic clothes peg.
  • Players take it in turns to roll the dice.
  • If they roll two different numbers then the dice are passed to the next player and play continues.
  • However if any double is rolled then a peg based punishment must be applied.
  • If you roll double one then you must attach the peg to the loose skin on the back of your hand.
  • A double two means you apply the peg to your neck.
  • A double three and you must peg one of your cheeks (on your face!).
  • A roll of double four means that the peg is heading for one of your nostrils,
  • and double five means you must peg your earlobe.
  • The worst roll, double six, places the peg on your lip.
  • Players must keep the peg in whatever position it is placed until the next person relieves them, but hurts themselves, by throwing the next double.